据海岸警卫队报告,搁浅的 “波罗的海三号 ”轮无法安全上浮

MSC 波罗的海 III 号集装箱船(33,767 载重吨)在一场冬季风暴中失去动力并在加拿大靠岸 12 天后,加拿大海岸警卫队报告称该船无法安全浮出水面。天气继续阻碍着海岸警卫队和一支私人打捞队的工作,最新消息称他们正在集中力量打捞船上的燃料和其他可能的污染物。

这艘船于 2 月 15 日被开到纽芬兰西部的岩石海岸线上后被遗弃。一架直升机救起了船员。

自这艘 679 英尺(203 米)长的船只上岸以来,冬季风暴一直影响着该地区。海岸警卫队表示,救援队经常无法登船,天气也阻碍了一些水上作业。他们正从岸上和空中对该船进行监控。


“海岸警卫队在 2 月 27 日晚些时候发布的最新报告中写道:"鉴于该船目前的状况,无法将其安全地重新浮出水面。“最初的重点将是清除燃料和货物"。


调查证实,船上约有 170 万升重油和海洋气体。虽然没有发现污染现象,但人们担心可能会发生泄漏。目前正在探索的措施之一是将燃料抽到岸上,因为可能无法让打捞船靠岸。

地中海航运公司最初告知海岸警卫队,船上约有 470 个集装箱,其中一半以上是空的。其他集装箱装有食品、木材和纸张等物品。海岸警卫队在最新消息中称,8 个装有聚合物珠(nurdles)的集装箱已被列为优先清除对象。

海岸警卫队说,船上有些材料在航运术语中被视为危险品,如 nurdles 以及面粉和威士忌。但在正常情况下,船上没有任何危险品。


Stranded MSC Baltic III Cannot be Safely Refloated Reports Coast Guard

Twelve days after the containership MSC Baltic III (33,767 dwt) lost power and was driven ashore in Canada during a winter storm, the Canadian Coast Guard reports the vessel cannot be safely refloated. Weather continues to hamper the efforts of the Coast Guard and a private salvage team with the latest update reporting they are focusing on the fuel and other possible contaminants aboard.

The vessel was abandoned on February 15 after it was driven onto the rocky shoreline of western Newfoundland. A helicopter rescued the crew.

Since the 679-foot (203-meter) vessel went ashore, winter storms have continued to impact the area. The Coast Guard says teams are frequently unable to get aboard the ship and the weather is hampering some of the water operations. They are monitoring the ship from shore and the air.

At the beginning of the week, they reported that divers have confirmed that there were significant breaches or holes in the hull below the waterline. The vessel has settled firmly to the seabed and so far, they have not found significant breaks about the waterline. However, pictures have shown some deformations in the hull and the possibility of a crack.

“Given the vessel’s current condition, it cannot be safely refloated,” the Coast Guard writes in its updated issued late on February 27. “The initial focus will be on the removal of the fuel and cargo.”

Based on the urgency of the situation, the Coast Guard says it is looking at alternatives including repairing an old road and all-terrain vehicle trail that could be used to reach the remote location. They told The Telegram newspaper that the road would need upgrades to handle heavy equipment and tractor trailers. The Coast Guard is also looking at building an access point from shore to the bow of the vessel the newspaper reports.

The surveys have confirmed that there are approximately 1.7 million liters of heavy fuel oil and marine gas on board. While no pollution has been observed, there are concerns over a potential breach. One of the steps being explored is pumping the fuel to shore because it may not be possible to get a salvage vessel alongside.

MSC initially advised the Coast Guard that the vessel had approximately 470 containers aboard, over half of which were empty. The others are carrying items such as food, lumber, and paper supplies. In the latest updates, the Coast Guard said however eight containers with polymer beads (nurdles) have been marked as a priority for removal.

The Coast Guard says that there are materials aboard considered dangerous goods in shipping terms, such as the nurdles as well as flour and whiskey. Nothing aboard however is hazardous under normal conditions.

The biggest issue is the race against time to reduce the risks as the winter storms are likely to persist in the region and further batter the vessel.

Protests outside Maersk headquarters

Demonstrators gathered outside Maersk's headquarters in Copenhagen on Monday morning. They are protesting that the shipping company is shipping military equipment to Israel.

Police are working at the scene. Photos show hundreds of people present at the headquarters.

According to the activists, by shipping military equipment to Israel, Maersk is supporting what the press release calls Israeli genocide.

Fixed asset investment in China's railroad sector reached 43.9 billion yuan in January 2025

Investment in fixed assets of the railroad sector in China amounted to 43.9 billion yuan / about 6.12 billion dollars/ in January this year. According to the data of China Railways Corporation /CRC/, published on Monday.

According to the CZD data, this indicator grew by 3.7 percent in annual terms.

During the reporting period, according to the said department, a number of major projects were implemented, including the construction of the Chengdu-Chongqing high-speed rail center line /CHRC/.

In 2024, fixed asset investment in the country's railroad sector totaled 850.6 billion yuan, up 11.3 percent year-on-year, the CRA data showed.

As of the end of 2024, the length of operating railroads nationwide totaled 162,000 kilometers, of which the SCR accounted for 48,000 kilometers.

Last year, the length of new railroads totaled 3,113 km, including 2,457 km of high-speed railroads.

Maersk, Hapag-Lloyd launch Shanghai Port operation in joint cooperation

With the lifting of the first container at the Shanghai Port on Feb 10, the Gemini Cooperation officially launches its operation at the port, said Shanghai International Port (Group) Co Ltd.

With the lifting of the first container at the Shanghai Port on Feb 10, the Gemini Cooperation officially launched its operation at the port, said Shanghai International Port (Group) Co Ltd.

The Gemini Cooperation, a benchmark collaboration between Maersk and Hapag-Lloyd, announced last year to start operation in February, according to the official website of Hapag-Lloyd.


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