The Chinese mainland is considering suspending preferential customs duties on additional Taiwanese goods

The Chinese mainland is considering suspending preferential customs duties on a broader category of goods imported from Taiwan in response to trade restrictions and political manipulation by the island's administration. The announcement was made by China's Ministry of Commerce on Tuesday.

The decision may affect agricultural, fishery and machinery products, auto parts and textiles, which are currently subject to preferential tariff rates under the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait /ECFA/, a ministry spokesman said in response to a reporter's question.

The ECFA is a comprehensive economic pact between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait designed to reduce commercial barriers between mainland China and Taiwan.

According to a statement from the Customs Duties Committee under the State Council of the People's Republic of China, mainland China has suspended ECFA tariff rates on 12 Taiwanese goods, including propylene and paraxylene, effective Jan. 1, 2024. The decision was in response to Taiwan's unilateral and discriminatory trade restrictions.



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